conferences designed to fast-track
your success.

Ample 2023 Forum
Our annual AMPLE FORUM is back!


21 September 2023

2:00 pm – 5:00 pm (GMT+8)

ZOOM Webinar
Impossible Leadership: Redefining Boundaries, Embracing Extraordinary Achievements.
Are you an aspiring manager or a struggling one? What is your deepest desire? Is it to become a top recruiter,
a MDRT builder or having the largest agency force in your company or even in the industry?
What do you need to have in you to realize your dream?
Not all managers are leaders, but all great managers possess impossible leadership.
Does it sound impossible to you?
AMPLE 2023 Forum focuses on Impossible Leadership – made possible for YOU!

They have natural weaknesses just like you, but they have overcome their natural limitations and outward challenges, redefined their boundaries of possibilities, and brought out the impossible leadership in themselves.
Impossible Leadership is made possible for you by our 3 amazing speakers who will generously share with you their growth points, their pains, and their breakthroughs. You will find yourself in their stories.
These are the questions of many managers.
Are these your questions too?
- How to build a team with multiple MDRTs, COTs and TOT achievers?
- How to grow a team of millennials who can achieve MDRT within 2 years?
- How to create and drive robust systems for a Million Dollar Agency?
- How to sustain productivity and increase it year after year?

Leadership and MDRT Achievement
(Mr Subhas Nathan)
Impossible Leadership is about embracing challenges that may initially seem insurmountable or unattainable. Invited speaker, Mr Subhas Nathan is an experienced MDRT speaker and mentor to multiple MDRTs, COTs and TOT achievers. He will be sharing on his strategies and approaches that continually drives his team to achieve remarkable results.

Leadership and Agency Excellence
(Ms Adeline Yap)
Impossible Leadership is about embracing challenges that may initially seem insurmountable or unattainable. Invited speaker, Mr Subhas Nathan is an experienced MDRT speaker and mentor to multiple MDRTs, COTs and TOT achievers. He will be sharing on his strategies and approaches that continually drives his team to achieve remarkable results.

Leadership and Sustainability
(Mr Gordon Hoo)
Impossible Leadership is about going beyond personal achievements to create a ripple of positive impact on those around us. Master coach, Mr Gordoo Hoo is a seasoned and well-received international speaker who had dedicated his life to empower insurance agency leaders. He will be sharing on the broader implications of leadership, such as sustainability and leaving a lasting legacy.